The Start of a Masterpiece
As of now my group has been thinking of the best way to start this project. First we need to find filming locations. We have come up with one of our houses. Holiday Park. Or even Las Olas Blvd. We feel these three filming locations will satisfy our needs when filming our scenes. We have also started sharing our knowledge about what we learned from our last project with each other. I personally have made a document with my resources and tools I used previously. I have also looked into the props we are going to need for most scenes. Real props can be expensive so I have opted to ether making my own or asking friends and family for them. No luck yet! Some of the props I have collected already. That would include a football. Most people have a football laying around. Thats why we decided it would be a good prop for our music video. One of our filming locations is Holiday Park. This is a public park that all of us grew up playing sports at. We have access to every kind of sports field at anytime of the day. This will make it convenient to film after school. We will begin our filming process soon. Scheduling days for filming has been a little difficult but we have decided the weekends work best. I will inform you on our progress once we get started. Thats all for today. BYE.
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