Pier Review

Welcome back to the blog, today we're discussing the peer editing feedback we received. Initially, we considered having someone we knew critique our movie but feared bias. To ensure impartiality, we decided to approach a complete stranger in our class for feedback. We deliberately provided no prior information about the movie to ensure an unbiased opinion. Our chosen classmate started with positive feedback, stating the movie was good. Initial critique focused on the plot, with praise for its coherence and suitability for comedy. Emotions in the movie were well-conveyed through music and interactions, according to the feedback. The classmate appreciated the title screen's transition from excitement to immediate boredom. The instant silence after entering the house resonated humorously with the viewer's personal experiences. Foreshadowing was acknowledged, adding an element of anticipation for the classmate. The critique moved to the board game scene, noting that the acting could have been smoother. The slight mess-up during the scene was evident, offering both understanding and comedic effect. Despite minor acting flaws, the kitchen conversation scene was praised for its spot-on delivery. Clever use of props, especially in the montage with cups and a flowerpot, earned positive remarks. Approaching the movie's end, the discovery of alcohol in a hidden cupboard was described as a "hilarious twist." The movie's conclusion intrigued the classmate and left them wanting to continue watching. Overall, the movie was deemed a success with enjoyable moments throughout. The only noted negative was a minor acting issue in one scene. Constructive feedback helps us refine our project, and we appreciate the classmate's input. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more updates on our filmmaking journey.


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