Time to Start Editing
Now that we have finished filming it's time to put our music video together. We will be using CapCut to put together all our clips and add the music. While filming we tried to film scenes starting and ending with transitions. This will help the video look cleaner and well put together. We have all used CapCut in the past so filming should go pretty smoothly. Uploading the scenes and putting them together is very easy. CapCut is easy to use because it is build for people like us that have little to no experience editing videos. Nun the less I am confident that we can put together this music video in a timely matter. When editing in the past I have always downloaded all my videos to one folder before uploading them to CapCut. This has been my favorite method. But this time I will have to have my group members send me their videos off their phones. This will add another step to the process. Also in the past it has been very difficult for me to send longer videos to others. I believe it will take a while to download the videos on school wifi. I plan to do this step at home to avoid this problem. Although it may sound like I will not be doing all the editing myself. I will be having my other group members take charge of the changes to the lighting, and music timing. These things are essential to all video production. If all elements of a video are not spot on the audience will notice and point it out. Before finishing we will have to check the video multiple times to look for mistakes. Well thats all for today!
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